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    In January 2018, Thao, a social worker graduate from university, this young girl decided to return Bac Giang province to develop tourism in her hometown. When she wrote a sharing post to find a team on Spiderum (an online platform), she contacted with other Bac Giang persons whose name are Kei and Quynh. They have been worked and built Thao’s idea come true by “Quán Bà Tám Tour” for traveler visiting Bac Giang province, Quán Bà Tám Tour was born.


    We believe that cultural values, traditional architecture, handicraft product (rice paper, bamboo product, etc) are spread when they were shared with many people. Quán Bà Tám Tour started real experiences with OnedayOnetrip as our first steps.


    We are Bac Giang people (youngers, craftsmen, farmers,. . .) from all different backgrounds. By the friendly, warmly welcome to traveler having real experiences of Bac Ha land, Kinh Bac county. (an old name of Bac Giang Province, Bac Ninh province and  other provinces)

About us: Inner_about
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